Board Meeting Minutes – July 9, 2019
I. Establish Quorum, Review and Approve Minutes.
Joel Yust (Property Manager), Tori Winters, Devin Detwiler, Vickie Traxler and Tom Trout, and Ellen Gail were present. Board members reviewed the minutes. Devin moved and Tori seconded to approve the minutes. All were in favor. The motion carried.
II. Input from property owners:
There was no input from property owners. Ellen Gail was present to provide general input throughout the meeting.
III. Financial review – Special Assessment
Five units have not paid the Special Assessment for 2019. Those units are 1,2, 18, 23 and 24. Other delinquencies were reviewed. In May we received a check for partial payment of past delinquencies on one unit. The Budget was reviewed noting our lack of funds to pave the parking lot. There were no out of the ordinary bills in the last quarter beyond legal where it is related to pursuing delinquencies.
There is $5000 past due from regular monthly dues. Joel will follow up with the attorney.
IV. Old Business:
A. Manager’s Report: Transition to New Landscape Company seems to be going well. Vickie will meet with Greening Up. Stairwell lights were replaced. Erosion Control on Building D completed. Wasp traps put out. Door trim was fixed and ice buckets collected. A car was towed. The parking policy was sent out. Joel is working with Just About Home Improvements regarding caulking the exterior door windows.
B. Parking Lot Repaving – bids received and Tori’s Draft Letter to Owners-
Tom went over the parking lot repaving issues. Eliminating the concrete for the trash enclosures saves $4000 from the bid. Materials for the trash enclosure cost an additional $1500. There was much discussion resulting again in asking Tori to draft a letter to go out to homeowners for input. If we do not pave then we probably have to sink another $2500 into repairing the asphalt.
C. Unit 22 Deck Warping and Roof Inspection
Ellen Gail stated that she would check to see if her husband could repair the deck. Eric has not inspected the roof anomalies yet as he has been unable to get a response from the owners.
IV. New Business
A. Shrubs and trees-Landscaping Plans
There was discussion about how to handle an individual owner wanting to add to their landscaping. Devin moved and Vickie seconded that the owner needs to follow the same process as an architectural improvement submitting a small landscape drawing/plan to the board for review and approval. All were in favor.
B. Parking Policy-Letter
Tori recommended that the title of the parking policy be changed from Draft to Final. Last month All Property Services mailed out the Parking Policy and posted the policy on all 24 unit doors.
C. Ratification for Decisions Made Outside Board Meeting:
No decisions were made outside the Board Meeting.
V. Next meeting dates: November 7 at 1:00 pm (Budget Meeting and Gallegos Contract Discussion) and January 23, 2019 at 1:00 pm Annual Meeting.
VI. Adjournment