Meeting Minutes – January 23, 2020

I. The meeting was called to order at 1:15 pm.

Those present included Devin Detweiler (Unit 6), Vickie Traxler and Tom Trout (Unit 3), Tori Winters (Unit 11), Ellen Gail (Unit 22), John and Dolly Bennett (Unit 15) and Dave Brause (Unit 10). Also present was Joel Yust, Association Management Specialist, from All Property Services. A quorum of the members was present.

II. The Board Members reviewed the November 7, 2019 minutes. There were no corrections or additions. Devin moved and Dave seconded that we approve the minutes. The motion carried with all in favor.
III. Input from property owners: Ellen Gail had stated that she was expecting the Board to send a letter to Homeowners based on statements made at the July 2019 meeting. We received input on parking lot lighting which we will discuss at the May meeting. Dave Brause asked about spraying the ash trees for protection from the ash borer. The trees have a fungus and the city has indicated it is not necessary to spray yet, so we have deferred that discussion to a later date.
IV. Financial review – Items in the 2019 budget came in pretty much under or the same as projected.
The Board went into an Executive Session to discuss delinquencies. The Board adjourned the executive session. Devin moved and Tori seconded the following motion:
Whereas, the owner of 1300 W. Stuart St. #23, Fort Collins, Co 80526, is currently delinquent in payment of assessments in the amount equal to or exceeding six months of common expense assessments allocated to the Owner’s Unit pursuant to the Association’s annual budget and whereas, the Association on August 9, 2017 did notify such owner of the delinquent assessments and did offer the owner a payment plan of at least 6 months for the repayment of the delinquent assessments and whereas the owner failed to enter into a payment plan with the association and whereas, the owner has a long history of not paying in a timely fashion, requires excessive work to collect including late fees and legal fees and has not communicated with the Board for an extended period of time, the Board wishes to proceed with the foreclosure action as recommended by our lawyers and pursuant to the Association’s collection policy and in accordance with the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act. A vote was taken, all were in favor of the motion to foreclose (5 Board Members), none were against the motion. The Resolution was adopted by the Board of Directors of Carriagetown Condominium Association.

V. Old Business:
A. Manager’s Report: Joel will check on the caulking of the Entry Door windows.
B. Parking Lot Repaving – Tom Trout will work with Estes Valley Paving to establish a timeline and parking plan for the repaving.

IV. New Business
A. Irrigation Valves – Joel has not yet identified a contractor to work on changing the entry to the water valves from an interior closet to the lobby area of each building.
B. Landscaping Plan – deferred to later meeting.
C. Ratification for Decisions Made Outside Board Meeting – None

V. Next meeting dates:
May 7, 2020 3:00 pm Property Inspection, 4:00 pm meeting at All Property Services
July 9, 2020 4:00 pm
September 10,2020 4:00 pm

VI. Adjournment – Ellen moved and Dave seconded that we adjourn the meeting at 1:45 pm. All were in favor.