Annual Meeting Minutes – January 23, 2020

I. The meeting was called to order at 12:05 pm. Those present included Devin Detweiler (Unit 6), Vickie
Traxler and Tom Trout (Unit 3), Tori Winters (Unit 11), Ellen Gail (Unit 22), John and Dolly Bennett (Unit
15) and Dave Brause (Unit 10). Also present was Joel Yust, Community Association Officer, from All
Property Services. Proxies were received from Tad Wallen (Units 5 & 14).

  1. The minutes from the 2019 Annual Meeting was reviewed. Joel stated that he would have to check on
    the caulking of the entrance door windows. Devin moved and Tori seconded that the minutes be
    approved as they stand.
  2. The 2019 Financial Results were reviewed. Most questions centered on expenses over the last two
    years. We decided it would be a good idea to add a list of expenses to the website to show owners the
    major repairs that had been made. We discussed how the chimney siding and deck repairs had depleted
    our reserves. We discussed the assessment for the parking lot. The annual meeting notice states
    incorrectly that the assessment is due April 30. The correct due date is June 30 and Joel will send out a
    notice to that effect. John Bennet stated that he preferred that we increase dues to build up an
    adequate reserve and that he felt we had been too conservative in estimating our expenses and raising
    dues in the past. We discussed how after completing the parking lot paving, we would focus on siding
    repairs and painting. Dave Brause and Ellen Gail were concerned about the conditions of the deck.
    Decks were inspected in 2017 but may require homeowner maintenance prior to getting painted.
  3. The current board members and officers are as follows: Vickie Traxler as President; Devin Detweiler
    as Treasurer; Tori Winters as member at large. Ellen Gail and David Brause will attend meetings and for
    the time being serve as members at large.
  4. The following were selected as tentative meeting dates: May 7, 2020 as Property Inspection 3:00 pm,
    Board meeting following at 4:00 pm.; July 9, 2020 and September 10, 2020 at Board meeting 4:00 pm.
  5. Dave Brause brought up his concerns about the lack of lighting in the parking lot at night. We
    discussed how we might light up the dumpster area and how we might use solar lights. The issue will be
    added to the May meeting agenda. Joel will look for some information regarding parking lot lighting.
  6. Devin moved and Dave seconded that we adjourn the meeting. All were in favor and the meeting
    adjourned at 1:13 pm.