Board Meeting Minutes – July 9, 2020

I. The meeting was called to order at 4:04 pm. The meeting was a Zoom videoconference due to Coronavirus concerns. A quorum was present which included Vickie Traxler, Tori Winters, Ellen Gail, Devin Detwiler, and David Brause. Joel Yust from All Property Services was also in attendance. The minutes from May 7, 2020 were reviewed. Devin moved and Tori seconded approving the minutes. All were in favor.
Action Item: Vickie to forward Joel correct version of the minutes for Joel to upload to website.

II. Input from property owners: David noted that the exterior door to Units 9 and 10 was not closing properly. The board recommended having the handyman make the necessary adjustments. Unit 15 front landscaping looks nice. Unit 20 (Deck problems) representative was not present but the board approved having a carpenter look at it to give an estimate for repair. Erin Griffin was present later representing owner Dannette Doll and she was informed that a contractor would need to be allowed in to look at the deck.
Action Item: Vickie to forward Joel contact information for Wysock Builders.
Joel to contact Adrian to get bid also. (Did not discuss All Phase)
Action Item: Joel to contact Handyman about the Unit 9/10 exterior door strike plate.

III. Financial review – Special Assessment – The board discussed that 13 units have not paid the assessment for this year. Board members decided that those 12 of those 13 should be re-notified by either letter or phone call in case there was confusion about the due date.
Action Item: Joel to follow up with accountant to make sure delinquent units were notified about the assessment. Vickie to check with Devin in August to see who needs contacting. Devin to contact lawyers about timing of sale (will be in November 2020).

IV. Old Business:

A. Manager’s Report:

  1. Delinquent Accounts & Tax Liens – Joel and Vickie reviewed the information from the attorney on the delinquency. Devin indicated the bill is now $23000 including 3 years of taxes.
  2. Unit 1 Repairs – Repairs are complete and came in around $200. Still waiting for Reasonable Accommodation request for support dog as well as ACC for window repairs.
  3. Siding Damage Unit 21 & 22- Completed several months ago.
  4. Entry door Caulking- Joel will find someone else as handyman has not yet completed although request has been outstanding since November. (Joel to check with Adrian about caulking.)
  5. Hose Bib Locks – Off except for 1 unit, which Joel will go back and do.
  6. Rain Gutter cleaning – completed in early June
  7. Salt buckets put under stairs – Joel will finish up remaining buckets
  8. Violation Letters – Joel to follow up on wood projects between Buildings C&D near Unit 13 patio – There appear to be some wood structures in the common area around Unit 13 patio. Joel will look into ownership and notifying the owner of encroachment into the common area.
  9. Gang Graffiti on dumpster – Vickie approved to get a can of spray paint and clean up the graffiti.
    B. Parking Lot Repaving – Schedule and Conduit – Tom Trout spoke about the schedule for the paving project: September 14 for Concrete, September 21 for Paving. All cars would have to be out but the contractors hoped they could come back in for the weekend. Dave Brouse has offered to be Tom’s back up. The Board decided to include a disabled parking section in the sidewalk at the north end. The board discussed putting in conduit for a future light project and that the light should be near the new dumpster location. Joel will prepare a postcard to mail out to inform owners and tenants two weeks prior. Vickie has offered to post the notices on apartment doors the week prior.
    Action Item: Joel to contact light company to get estimate for conduit and light.
    Joel to prepare postcard to mail (running it by Vickie prior to sending).
    Joel to prepare notice for Vickie and Mario to post on Unit doors.
    Vickie to notify Landscapers to make sure no sprinkler run M-F that week.
    Vickie and Tom to notify Mario about which sidewalk sections to use.

IV. New Business
A. Landscape Management and credit for not mowing- The board discussed the problem with the dry grass. Joel encouraged us to look at the landscaping at Heritage Park to the east of Carriagetown. Vickie confirmed that the weeds are still there and that Tom will spray them.
Action Item: Vickie will talk to the landscapers about getting a new estimate for irrigation work and to keep up the pressure on the lack of spring mowing to see what we could get in return.
Vickie and Tom will spray weeds.
B. Shrubs and trees- Vickie stated that the CSU Forestry folks did not have trees available for planning at this time. Joel stated that the Ash Borer Treatment is scheduled with Davey’s but that they are behind.
C. Ratification for Decisions Made Outside Board Meeting: BOD voted to treat the Ash trees
David moved and Devin seconded a motion to ratify the decision made outside of the Board meeting. All were in favor and the motion carried.
D. Webinar Virtual Meetings: The Current Reality – July 15, 2020 (12:00 – 1:00) – Joel will likely attend and meetings in general are a real struggle while trying to meet current safeguards.
V. Next meeting dates: September 3, 2020 4:00 pm, November 12 1:00 pm (Budget meeting)
VI. Adjournment- David moved and Ellen second a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:22 pm. All were in favor