Board Meeting Minutes – November 12, 2020

I. A Quorum was established, and the meeting called to order at 1:05 pm. Those present were Devin Detweiler, Tori Winters and Vickie Traxler as well as Joel Yust, Community Manager. Ellen Gail and Dave Brause joined a few minutes into the meeting. The minutes of September 3 were reviewed and approved. Devin moved and Tori seconded a motion to approve the revised minutes. All were in favor.
II. Tori noted that Unit 13 now has a bench in the common area.
III. Old Business:
A. Manager’s Report: Joel provided an update on these items via email 11/11/20 and that information is added below.

  1. Delinquent Account Update – Update Foreclosure Unit 23 – The attorneys have requested the owner’s ledger to finalize all that is owed so they can collect it at the auction.
  2. Unit 20 – Progress on deck repair – should be finished by the end of the week but may need to extend to get some warm weather for painting.
  3. Entry door Caulking (April 2019) – NZ carpentry on vacation, no schedule yet. Action Item: Joel to contact Adrian when he returns from vacation.
  4. Exterior Door Units 9 &10 (July 2020)- see New Business
  5. Reasonable Accommodation Policy (Sept. 2020) – Policy will go out with the Annual Meeting Brochure so that the members have an opportunity to review and comment before the Board adopts the policy and puts it in place.
  6. Landscape Management – Fall Clean Up (Oct 2020) – The Board requested that Joel contact Greening Up about getting it done before Thanksgiving. Action Item: Joel to contact Greening Up to make sure fall cleanup gets done this month.
  7. Siding Repair Bids (Oct 2020)- NZ carpentry requested a meeting to clarify some questions prior to giving a bid. Action Item: Vickie and Joel to set up meeting with Adrian.
  8. Unit 23 Exterior Door Glass (August 2020) – Black’s Glass is scheduled to repair the glass in mid-December.
  9. Tree Removal (Oct 2020) – still waiting on Davey Trees to schedule
  10. Unit 13 – Wood Structures are in the Canal – Another violation letter will be sent to the owners to deal with the wood structures in the canal and now the bench in the common area. Action Item: Joel to send letter in accordance with Violation Policy.
  11. Ice melt buckets will be moved from under the steps and refilled as needed, as soon as possible. Joel has requested and they are working on getting through all the requests.
    B. Parking Lot Repaving – Summary – Vickie went over the various issues we had during paving.
    We will have to monitor the two spots in the parking lot near the west bike enclosure. Ellen has
    volunteered to provide us with dirt to fill in the holes behind the new curb sections and it was
    decided to have a work party in the spring to fill in the holes.
    C. Insurance Bids (Sept. 2020) The Board has not yet received an estimate for 2021 from
    Traveler’s insurance but expects that bid in early December. Joel had an estimate from
    American Family. Both above are “full replacement value” in accordance with the
    Covenants which increases the cost to the HOA to $20,000, a large increase. Devin said the
    American Family estimate is comparable with Traveler’s Insurance for 2020. Devin had an
    estimate from State Farm for bare wall replacement. Devin discussed the “Full Replacement
    Value” restriction in the covenants and how the HOA could save some money by changing the
    covenants which have not been updated since the complex was built. Vickie stated that Gast
    charged about $260/hour to review covenants and the cost to update covenants starts at
    $2500. David moved and Tori seconded a motion to have Joel contact Gast, Johnson & Muffly
    law firm about updating and revising the covenants. All were in favor. Further the board will
    either have a short Zoom call or an email vote on insurance when the Traveler’s bid comes in.
    IV. New Business
    A. Budget (Capital Improvements: Painting, Siding, Light above mailboxes, Bike Racks) – Devin
    presented the budget to the Board. The Insurance costs will go from $13000 to $20,000. To
    pay for the increase and still put money in the reserves, dues must be raised by
    $50/month/condo. Currently, reserves are at $5000(because of the parking lot paving project).
    Costs to repair Unit 20 deck are $5788. Raising dues by $50 per month per condo leaves the
    budget a small amount in the red which will have to be taken from the Reserve Account or
    realized through savings. David moved and Tori seconded a motion to approve the budget as
    proposed increasing dues to $325.00 per month per condo. All were in favor.
    B. New Trash Removal Service Bids and Recycle Bin Labeling – Tom Trout contacted Gallegos
    about labeling their recycling bin. Joel had bids from Ram Waste for $4080 and WMI for $5000
    for the current regime. The Board discussed getting new bids from Ram Waste and Gallegos for
    reducing trash dumpsters from 3 to 2 two-yard dumpsters picked up twice a week and one
    three-yard recycling dumpster picked up once/week. Action Item: Joel to email Ram Waste
    and Gallegos to update bids with new regime.
    C. Landscape Bids – The board decided to wait to discuss bids at the January meeting. Action
    Item: Vickie to send Board Scope of Work presented to landscape companies.
    D. Bike Tagging – The Board directed Joel to tag bikes now and then again in the spring to reduce
    the number of unowned bikes. Action Item: Joel to tag bikes.
    E. Gutter Cleaning – Gutter cleaning is scheduled for next week. Costs for gutter cleaning will go
    up in the spring.
    F. Ratification for Decisions Made Outside Board Meeting: Hazardous Tree Removal (behind units
    11/12, Repair Deck 20) Devin moved and Ellen seconded a motion to ratify the Board’s October
    23, 2020 decision to continue with Greening Up for snow removal for the winter, to repair Deck
    20 using All Phase’s bid of $5788 because of they will also repair and replace the gutter over the
    deck, and use Davey Tree Service to remove the tree leaning over Building D.
    G. Other: Dave stated that he would be willing to install a $20 spring closure on Units 9&10
    exterior door to keep it closed. Devin moved and Ellen seconded a motion to reimburse Dave
    for the cost of the Spring closure devise. All were in favor. Dave did not participate in the vote.
    Joel agreed to work on organizing the website better and adding in contracts to those items
    posted. Action Item: Joel to add contracts to website and organize similar files.
    V. Next meeting dates: January 21, 2021 4:00 pm.
    VI. Adjournment – Dave moved and Ellen seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 3:15 pm. All
    were in favor.