Carriagetown Condos Association supports and actively enforces Fort Collins Poudre Fire Code Compliance

Use of Grills and Smokers

Open Flame Cooking Devices

Charcoal and LP-gas grills, barbecues, smokers (including pellet smokers), and similar appliances are considered open flame cooking devices. 

Open flame cooking devices are not allowed to be used on balconies or within 10 feet of combustible construction. With the following exceptions:

  1.  One and two family dwellings
  2. Where buildings and balconies are protected by an automatic sprinkler system
  3. LP-gas cooking devices having a LP-gas container not greater than 2.5 pounds in capacity.  These include small camping size cooking devices


Propane cylinders larger than 2.5 pounds may not be stored in or transported through multifamily occupancies.  

Electric Cooking Devices

Outdoor electric cooking devices may be operated on balconies or patios provided the cooking device is directly connected to an outside approved type electrical outlet and used per manufacturer’s instructions. 

Exit Ways

Outdoor cooking devices cannot be located where they will block exit ways; including balconies, porches, patios or walkways.